
take me out to the ball game...

Did you know that they have a minor league baseball team out here? Well, SURE DO! Alpine (about 25 miles from Marfa and a notch up the scale of town sizes) is home to the Big Bend Cowboys - a team that is back after a couple decades' hiatus. There is a BEAUTIFUL stadium in Alpine that overlooks the West Texas mountains and makes for a lovely sight during the evening games. Hannah and I went to town on Friday to catch a few innings and were there right when sunset occurred. We raced to the car so that we could drive part of the way home into the sunset - purples, pinks, oranges. There's nothing like an evening out west. 

Along with "watching baseball" and experiencing God's glorious sunset, we managed to focus mainly on the actual baseball players. These guys are from all over - some from as far north as New York, as far south as Latin America, and everywhere between. After seeing only the men who come in and out of the hotel and Paul, the guy I work with, it was nice to set my eyes on a young, fresh crowd...especially the Latinos :) For only five bucks, we had the best seats in town: backless benches separated only by a chain link fence from the team's dug out. In other words, prime viewing of the Cowboys. My man is number 25 and Hannah's is 5. How sad is it that I could immediately tell which one she would take a liking to? Before she even sat down with me (a phone call hindered her entrance into baseball glory), I could tell who she would prefer and, of course, who I preferred. Though we didn't stay the entire game (our early bedtime we are now accustomed to called our names), we plan on seeing those boys again. There's a street dance festival in Alpine this Friday so perhaps we will see them there? Hopefully they will wear their jerseys so we are able to distinguish them!

Saturday was a delightfully productive day. After both of us got our own workouts in for the day, we decided to do some chores around the house. We had friends (Sam and Sarah) coming in for the night so that inspired us to...well, be very married like I guess. Hannah took the man's role and rearranged patio furniture, mowed the lawn, and cut the watermelon for supper. I swept out the house, baked a cake, and made some yummy Texas Caviar for our staple - Fritos. It was such a successful morning that we both needed a laying out break - we set up camp next to our purple kiddie pool for refreshing ourselves and lounged about on the old cots we used to sleep on. Our Sita would be so proud to know that we reused those cots after so many years! After so much activity and the sun draining us of what was left, we had just enough energy to shower and take much needed naps. I LOVE afternoon naps. It was pretty warm out too so I quite literally passed out. When I woke up, it took a good 10 minutes to clear my head and make sense of reality. I think I nap better then when I sleep at night!

Enough with the nap...Sam and Sarah (both of the Means family but 2nd cousins...Hannah and Sarah are bff and Sam is, well, he's Sam!) came over to cook supper and just hang out. I went down to the hotel to return "Giant" (everyone must see it. The cast - Rock Hudson, James Dean, Elizabeth Taylor - all stayed at the Hotel while they filmed) and ran into a few friends. Between chatting with them on the patio and chatting with my friends at the front desk, my little walk to drop the movie off turned into quite an event! I love going places in town and knowing people. That's something I have always waited for in this town and it's finally working out for me! Back at the house, Sam had made some mouth-watering brisket, yummy homemade biscuits, and later we had my chocolate cake. If the food is that great, you KNOW the night was a good one :) And that it was. I love getting to sit around and chat with old friends. You know it's good when you don't have to do too much catching up - things just fall right back into place. That's how it is with my west Texas folks...and I love it.

On Sunday morning, Hannah and I decided it was time to try out a church in town. We used to always go to the Baptist church when the whole "Camp Marfa" gang was in town. We walked the 2 blocks, more than doubled the congregation, and always, without a doubt, had to perform. Yes, that's right - perform. Normally this consisted of Hannah and I playing a piano duet, Naomi playing a piano song, and Zac/Kate doing a sweet little VBS song for all to see. They were the babies, and still are, of the crowd and everyone loved seeing them - Zac with his white blond curls and Kate doting on him. They were a precious pair. I distinctly remember the year they sang "The Gospel Fuzzies" - a musical version of the gospel bracelets only you have a glove with the colored fuzzies on each finger. The Baptists of Marfa sure seemed to enjoy that one! Well, Hannah and I opted to bypass the "oh, you're Mary Helm's family?!" moments and try a new church. I ran past a quaint rock church the other day and noticed that their service was not until 10am - perfect time for church. So, that's where we went and believe me, I will be back every Sunday I am out here! The two of us were the youngest by about 40 years and seemed to be quite the novelty. Everyone greeted us, they had us introduce ourselves during the sermon, and a few even said to call them if we needed anything. If only I could remember their names I would TOTALLY take them up on that offer. It was the Presbyterian church (a shame to my Baptist and Methodist grandmothers, I'm sure) so new to me. But I just loved the small congregation, the familial atmosphere, and the knowledge that all was well within those walls. It was a surprising delight, not just a dreary church service to check off of my list of things to do. I will be going back on Sunday with my heart ready and my voice ready to bellow out the beloved hymns of years past.

Here begins my third week in the town I love so much. It's amazing to think that I have actually gotten to spend this much consecutive time out here! Except for a desire to shop at Target and see a few of my peeps/family, I have absolutely no need or want to leave. I am enjoying each and every morning at work, walk to the Hotel, lazy evening, and sunset from the porch. I can only hope that those who read this are enjoying their summer as much as I am. Even if you are stuck in the city or in a cubicle job, just remember that days are limited and we must embrace every moment with those we love. Enjoy your week of summer bliss. I will share a hot dog at the next baseball game in memory of all those following my life. Love and hugs and kisses!