
I'm a big kid now.

Well, it's official: I am going to graduate from college...WITH a job! I had my third and final interview with said company on Wednesday and was offered the job following the interview. I accepted immediately. I wanted them, they wanted me - perfect match for a first job.

With this new job, I get to move to Midland. Other than the oil men and women out there, I think I am one of the only ones who ASKED to move to the Tall City. There are just so many positives about moving there that it only seems right. I have spent months pondering the aspects of a job and location that are important for me to have, the quality of life I expect from a company, the company culture that would be best for me...and this fit seems right. Very right. Midland lets me be only three hours from the place I NEED to be (Marfa, y'all)...let's me be near an airport and major interstate to connect me to all the people in my life (mom, dad, brother, sister, loves from life)...still has the small city vibe without being a CITY which overwhelms me these days...grandparents living in the same city...DRY heat...west texas spirit. The list goes on so I will spare you now. Just know, this is a good thing. Incredible to be graduating from college in this economy and spirit with a job in a stable company with direction and purpose to get me into management. Let's all put on our party pants and get excited. I sure am.

Ok, that pretty much sums up this week for me! Wednesday's interview loomed ahead at the first part of the week and this second part of the week was just exciting and fun and a feeling of relief. I have a job. My hard work has paid off. I got the job I WANTED in a location I WANTED. Things are good for me...great actually.

Love to those who stay tuned!




After nearly four years as a college student, there was one thing that most students do that I had never done...before today. Though I learned how to ride a bike at a very young age, I haven't done it in YEARS. I outgrew my purple speed demon years ago and just never needed to bike. Wait, that's a lie - I did in Marfa a few times because my car was broken but other than that, it's been a while. Most students at least had a bike at one point or another in college but I have always just walked to class. I figured that in the time it took to get the bike ready to go, bike to your destination, and lock it up, I might as well just walk! But, now that gas prices continue to rise and it's GORGEOUS outside, I opted to attempt this popular mode of transportation.

Though I do not live far from campus, it is still a good 15 minute ride to where all of my classes are. Not bad - but more than a short walk from my parking spot to the classroom! Today it was a little brisk out with hopes to be a beautiful day (turns out, it is!) so it seemed to be a good trial run. If I didn't do well on such a beautiful morning, I definitely wouldn't with wind or heat or rain. The elements and I don't mix well.

Aside from riding into the wind and nearly getting creamed by a lovely BMW, I loved it! How peaceful to just cruise along the neighborhood I have called home for over two years now and just breathe the fresh air, hear the sounds of a Wednesday morning, say hello to the old man standing outside his house...it was great! I can't believe it took me this long to bust out the bike and save a little gas. Plus, burning a few extra calories AND seeing my leg muscles lookin so good while peddling doesn't hurt :)

Get a bike. Save some gas. Love life.

Marfa means...even when your car is busted, you can still easily get around. So nice!