
hello june.

Hello June - it's lovely to see you. I feel that your arrival really is the TRUE mark of the beginning of summer. Even with summer school starting today, it just has summer in the air. Most schools are out by now, the pool awaits all who can get away and take an afternoon to just soak up the sun, and watermelon/peaches/tomatoes are in every grocery store yet again. Love it! June is the first FULL month of summer. May involved finals, moving out of Lubbock and into Marfa, traveling all over our great state, and lots of family time and graduations. There were lots of different things going on. Now, it is officially summer. I start summer SCHOOL today, have plans to read and work and socialize when I'm not in class, and have a Schlitterbahn trip with the fam on the horizon. Thank you, God, for the seasons you give us and the freshness that summertime brings. Love, Abby.

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